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Diploma in Unani Pharmacy

Unani medicine, a traditional system of healing and health maintenance observed in South Asia. The origins of Unani medicine are found in the doctrines of the ancient Greek physicians Hippocrates and Galen. As a field, it was later developed and refined through systematic experiment by the Arabs, most prominently by Muslim scholar-physician Avicenna.



Upon completion of the diploma program, you can explore several scopes and career paths:

  • Unani Pharmacy Technician: You can work as a pharmacy technician in Unani dispensaries and hospitals if you have experience preparing Unani medicines. Under the supervision of a licenced Unani physician, you will be in charge of formulating and distributing Unani medicines.
  • Manufacturing of Unani Drugs: You can work in the pharmaceutical business, particularly in companies that specialise in the production of Unani medications. Your understanding of Unani pharmacology and formulations will be useful in guaranteeing the quality and efficacy of these medications.
  • Unani Research Assistant: Many research institutions and universities perform studies on Unani medicine to investigate its efficacy and prospective applications. As a research assistant, you can help with data collection, analysis, and documentation for these research projects.
  • Unani Sales and Marketing: Pharmaceutical firms and herbal medicine makers want Unani medicine experts to advertise and sell their products. You might work as a sales representative or marketing executive, educating healthcare professionals and the general public about the benefits of Unani medicine.
  • Unani Medicine Consultant: With experience and additional education, you can start your own consultancy or work as a Unani medicine consultant. Patients seeking alternative and holistic healthcare choices can benefit from personalised advice, prescriptions, and treatment regimens.
  • Government Opportunities: The Ministry of AYUSH (Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, and Homoeopathy), for example, employs experts with expertise of traditional medicine systems. In these organisations, you can work as a regulatory officer, drug inspector, or policy adviser.
  • Teaching and Academics: If you enjoy teaching, you can look for opportunities in Unani colleges, institutions, or universities. You may help future Unani chemists and practitioners flourish by sharing your knowledge and expertise.