Home / Diploma in Community Medical Service & Essebtial Drug

Diploma in Community Medical Service & Essebtial Drug

It is mainly for those who want to serve in rural areas, where people face a variety of healthcare problems. There is lack of healthcare providers in rural areas. People in rural areas had to travel
far away from their homes to get basic medical treatment. This becomes serious in case of emergency situations, when no one is present there to give primary health care services.
So, for solving this problem our Supreme Court of India has given validity to a course that is CMS & ED. It is a diploma course of 18 months that is divided into 3 semester. This course is specially designed for training people to impart primary healthcare services for common ailments in rural areas.


The term CMS stands for “Community Medical Service” which clearly implies a medical service that is for a community of people i.e. our rural community.

Another term ED stands for “Essential Drugs” meaning an individual after pursuing this course should have knowledge about the essential medication required to treat basic-level diseases.
The word CMS ED stands for Community Medical Services – Essential Drugs.

The individual who completes this course can become a primary healthcare provider in rural areas. They can open their own primary healthcare center, give medical assistance, and prescribe medicines to people recommended by World Health Organisation (WHO).

CMS & ED Courses-Eligibility, Curriculum, Scope, and much more CMS & ED is a diploma course of about 18 months or we can say 1.5 years for individuals who want to serve people in rural areas with regard to healthcare services. It is majorly a course for individuals who want to open their own first-aid treatment center or impart primary healthcare services to the people around them. It is beneficial for those who don’t want to pursue a full-time MBBS degree but want to serve people through the medical profession. This program majorly trains people in the basics of medicine, first-aid treatments, treating basic infectious diseases, etc. If serving healthcare services to the people is the thing that interests you, then this course is definitely for you. This program will not only help you learn about the basics of medicines and the treatment of diseases but also help you in becoming certified and accredited professional.