Who We Are?

About Ahlehikmat.

2020, The pandemic Year, no one was ready to face it. It was the first time in history of mankind when the gates of spiritual places shut down. No one had any idea for the survival of labourers, daily wages workers and specifically the Imams and Ulemas of the Masjid and madarsa schools. The Almighty has a plan for everything. Dr Nazim Raza, MD, Who was practising in his personal hospital Tara Hospital Katra Shahjahanpur with his wife Dr Fatima Khan were treating the pandemic patients. Dr Nazim Raza got some sleepless nights in the thought of the Imams and Ulemas. He has decided to teach them Tibb e Nabwi(PBUH) that is the medical science given by the holy Prophet as it will help them to earn from their homes just by giving the Unani local remedies. He started a weekly class in Bareilly UP and then on October 1, 2020. A class of 120 people joined him online on social platform and he named it Tehreeh Ahl e Hikmat. The basic aim was to educate people about home Remedies,Unani medicines. In no time, thousands of people joined his class and became part of his mission . Whatever the fees he charged and the gift amount he gets He made the building as DAR UL HIKMAT( home of remedies) in the name of Tehreek Ahle Hikmat Trust.


Ahlehikmat Stats


500+ professionals trained


10+ Years of Experience


15+ Companies Association


99% Job Guarantee